empowerment, Life Coaching

15 Ways to Become More Positive – Right Now!

I know that being positive is not easy. I struggle with it the same as everyone else, even though I consider myself a positive person and even a “positivity enthusiast!” What is important is that we find the tools and resources that work for us to help us decrease negativity in our lifes. Here are some simple, but effective ways to add positivity to your life…right now.

  1. Practice Gratitude: Take a moment to reflect on the things in your life that you are grateful for. This can help shift your focus away from negativity and towards a more positive perspective.
  2. Positive Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to reframe your thoughts. Repeat phrases like “I am capable,” “I am confident,” or “I can handle this” to boost your self-esteem and positivity.
  3. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Spend time with positive and supportive people. Their positivity can be contagious and lift your spirits.
  4. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness and meditation to stay in the present moment and reduce anxiety and stress. This can help you maintain a more positive outlook.
  5. Avoid Negative Media: Limit exposure to negative news, social media, or any other content that may contribute to negative thinking.
  6. Exercise: Physical activity releases endorphins, which can improve your mood and overall positivity. Even a short walk or some quick stretches can help.
  7. Self-Care: Take care of yourself physically and emotionally. This can include getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.
  8. Set Goals: Setting and achieving small, realistic goals can boost your confidence and sense of accomplishment.
  9. Help Others: Acts of kindness and helping others can create a sense of fulfillment and positivity.
  10. Smile and Laugh: Even forcing a smile or engaging in activities that make you laugh can trigger positive emotions.
  11. Learn from Challenges: See challenges as opportunities for growth and learning rather than as setbacks. This can shift your perspective to a more positive one.
  12. Visualize Success: Imagine a positive outcome for a situation or project you’re working on. This can help you stay motivated and optimistic.
  13. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and avoid self-criticism. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer to a friend.
  14. Relax: Take a few minutes out of the day to stop “doing” and close your eyes for a moment. Your mind needs a break!
  15. Seek Professional Help: If you find it difficult to maintain a positive mindset due to persistent negative thoughts or depression, consider speaking with a mental health professional for guidance and support.

Remember that becoming more positive is a journey, and it’s okay




New Book Being Released in November, 2023: Weekly Positive Reflections and Journal

Now available: Write Amazing Wedding Vows

: https://www.amazon.com/Write-Amazing-Wedding-Step-Step/dp/172339484X