empowerment, Life Coaching, Mastering Life's Possibilities


Feeling a little down? That is okay. It happens to all of us every now and again. Even me.

You see, life is dynamic. You cannot control every happening of the day. Sometimes, difficult times roll around and literally roll over you! There are sad times, obstacles, anxieties, and fears. All of these things can put you in a temporary funk. The key word is temporary.

You are human and must grieve sad times and push through difficulties, but do not let them consume you. You have to trust in yourself enough to know that you will pull through, persevere, and move on. Every single moment of your life is temporary. You always have the next moment to look forward to. Time tends to heal broken hearts and broken dreams.

In martial arts, I always have to remind the students to do the same. Work through the hardships, then pull yourself up again. Whatever stands in the way of your training, only let it be temporary. That way you will come back to the training that you love.

One difficult emotion can consume you and wash away what is good in your life. Suddenly, the richness of who you are is capsized in anger, worry, fear or regret. You must allow it to flow through and beyond.

When the next tough scenario happens, safeguard yourself with one single thought:  Like all moments, this, too shall pass. 

Enjoy the good moments. They are more advantageous to your positive outlook than any other. And, when tragedy or unexpected situations occur, you will be prepared to keep things in perspective.

The definition of temporary is “lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent.” Both good and bad moments fit this mold, yet we tend to hold on to the negative ones in such a way that they take over the positive ones.

Simply be aware of what you are going through today. Feel the emotions, but do not let them blindside you into thinking everything is gone, everything is lost, or everything is wrong. There is always opportunity and there is always hope, if you choose to see life that way.

A choice. An outlook. A belief system. An understanding. These close the loop of discomfort and allow you to move forward.

Pain and grief can last for years. Difficulties can change your life. But, even years are temporary. Let it go as soon as you can because your time is precious and tremendously important.

Life is okay. You are okay. Pick yourself up and move on again.




Pick up one of these motivational books on Amazon!

https://goo.gl/Yco5GF – Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone

https://goo.gl/rTSaJA – The Martial Arts Woman